For many years we have been working with organizations of all sizes to help them identify and integrate sustainability into their processes, practices and organizational DNA, and now we are excited to share a diverse range of programs dedicated to helping advance and activate sustainability into business processes and structure!
Our new courses range from an introductory level course through to 101, 102 and 103 series of leveling up. They are designed to support organizational change and offer any sized business the tools needed to identify, design and reconfigure into a circular, sustainable and climate positive business. The series will be released over the next few months and to kick off, we have a 1-month live intensive with Dr. Leyla Acaroglu happening in October! This program is the perfect starting point for anyone who wishes to help transform their business at an operational level into one that has conscious and considered impacts. Find out more about the program, who its best suited for and our full series here in this week’s journal.
What IS the live program is all about?
This program is designed for professionals from a variety of backgrounds and industries who want to gain the full-spectrum understanding of sustainability in business operations.
This is an immersive knowledge-building program for managers, HR specialists and business development teams wanting to advance through sustainability.
This week-long immersive is divided up into 3 main live knowledge sessions and activations during the week, offering up a detailed introduction to sustainability in the workplace program.
We designed this workshop for anyone who is interested in understanding how to take action within a business context to introduce sustainable and carbon-positive actions.
The topics covered include:
Sustainability — what it is, is not and how to do it well. Included in this is an overview of all the aspects, from climate change to recycling and the circular economy to gain a clear overview of all the terms and concepts that apply to sustainability, carbon-positive workplaces and the circular economy
An overview of business sustainability concepts, current must-haves for engaging with this transformation and case studies of organizations taking action
Which forces are influencing sustainability in the workplace and the business risks associated with inaction
How sustainability affects business and workplaces, and the practical actions you can take to eliminate impacts and build a more sustainable business
The trend toward workers demanding sustainability from organizations, along with theories and approaches to making positive change within your organization
Life cycle thinking and understanding the supply chain; design and manufacturing of products you make and also consume, which supports base-case assessment, design changes, and also procurement choices
Material impacts and decisions around business activities, such as waste and energy services, as you discover how to use environmental impact assessment in ways that support better decision-making and reduce costs
How to write an environmental plan/policy, do a self-assessment, take action and create products and services for the circular economy
Business ethics and leadership tools for engaging your people in effective, respectful and motivating ways, with action checklists and support in writing environmental policies and reporting
If you are an executive, manager, decision-maker, and leader who is working within an organization and are keen to start your sustainability journey, this course will help you get your head around all the policies, procedures, decisions and pitfalls of taking action for a carbon-positive future.
“The Disruptive Design workshop far exceeded my expectations. The content has given me a practical way to delve into complex problems, exploring thinking far beyond my normal lines of inquiry, and to surface new areas for intervention and innovative ways of designing those interventions. Everyone who is tackling systems should learn this.”
Why SHOULD YOU take this workshop?
This is a knowledge-building skill development program for people wanting to integrate sustainability decision making into their workplace.
The content is designed to support the rapid uptake of core concepts, tools and approaches to integrating sustainability into decision making, facilitating the transition toward operating more sustainably, and providing the tools that enable this to happen within your organization.
This program is specifically focused on understanding the fundamentals of what sustainability is and how it applies to your business and the workplace, along with providing very practical action kits, details on how to write environmental policies and a regulation checker.
The goal is to provide the framework for you to get started within your organization, no matter what industry you are in or how far along your sustainability journey you already are. Its practical, actionable and easy to digest in a short period of time.
By the time you have taken this program, we will have launched our brand new Sustainability in Business Series, along with our 12 Steps to Sustainability Challenge, all of which which offer practical roadmaps to organizational change.
Sustainability can be complex and overwhelming at times; understanding the difference between the terminology, methods and assessment tools and then deciding what works best for your industry and scenario are all considerations that managers and senior leaders face.
The October workshop lays out the core concepts, tools and actions you can take to ensure you are activating a sustainable and ethical approach to doing business.
Led by Dr. Leyla Acaroglu, UNEP Champion of the Earth, Designer, Sociologist and UnSchool founder, her expertise in sustainability and tools for the circular economy allows for a rapid uptake and understanding of the core considerations that anyone working to affect change within an organization needs to know.
“Over 200 of the world’s largest firms estimated that climate change would cost them a combined total of nearly US$1 trillion in the case of nonaction. At the same time, there is broad recognition among these same firms that there are significant economic opportunities, provided the right strategies are put in place.”
A sneak peek at the rest of the series
The Business in Sustainability Program series encompasses many aspects of integrating and transforming organizations to be sustainable and circular. From general operational impacts through to system-wide transformation, each program has been curated to support a different level organizational shift.
Our introduction course helps you assess where you are and covers the basics to get yourself or team on the same page. We offer a self-assessment tool to see where you are at and identify the next steps, along with sharing inspirational case studies from a variety of industries and the growing trends around the world.
The 101 course focuses on the operational level, covering topics such as audits, inputs and outputs; 102 covers the financial aspects of sustainability in business to make the case for change and upskill in ways to do so; 103 covers the broader systems thinking for carbon and future positive workspaces, looking at the bigger pictures and establishing leadership paths forward. We will also be offering an executive-level course in the future to leverage and build leadership in the sustainability for a business context, as well as an engaging and motivational 12 Step Organizational Challenge.
Basic Training
Kick off your transformation by uncovering the core concepts and approaches to sustainability in business, and be inspired by diverse industry case studies as well as map your action plan:
Part 1: Sustainability and Circular Economy Transformation in Business
Part 2: Case Studies of Sustainability Initiatives in Business
Part 3: Leadership and Activating Change
Sustainability in Business 101
Operational Training
The 101 program covers all the core aspects of operational impacts, exploring the energy, waste water and procurement aspects of general operations, as well as providing actions for upskilling in life cycle thinking and green supply chain development.
Part 1: Sustainability and Business Operational Impacts
Part 2: Assessing Operational Areas of Impact
Part 3: Supply Chains, Carbon Emissions and Life Cycle Thinking
Sustainability in Business 102
Financial Training
The 102 program dives deeper into the economic impacts of sustainability in business, such as the financial risks, opportunities, and strategies for taking on the challenges and leadership roles in this global movement. The world is changing - fast - and positioning yourself and your organization for employability and resilience will be critical for successful and sustainable growth in the years to come.
Part 1: Materials and Waste Streams
Part 2: Developing Policies and Procedures
Part 3: Corporate Governance and Financial Reporting
Sustainability in Business 103
Systems Training
The 103 program looks at the bigger picture and supports decision-making for systems level change within the workplace context. Level up with carbon and future positive initiatives, build leadership skills for internal and external momentum, understand sustainable design strategies and create products and services that fit into the circular economy.
Part 1: Transitioning to The Circular Economy
Part 2: Systems Thinking in Business Decision Making
Part 3: Business Ethics, Integrity and Theory of Change
Executive Training
The Executive Training Program is an advanced sustainability leadership track that includes deep knowledge on systems wide transformation, adaptation to circular principles and operational impact assessment. Set an example for your employees and your industry in a way that both builds your business, while also establishes the norms for a more positive, regenerative and resilient industry. Get ahead of the curve and be a leader in your space.
Team Challenges
Any individual can take on the challenge for themselves or implicate their colleagues into the challenge for a fun and interactive way to increase their impact and influence. This is a great initiative for HR managers and executives to invite their employees to take part in, incentivizing participation and encouraging everyone to come along for the ride as your organization scales up its efforts toward increasing and meeting sustainability goals.
Looking for custom content?
All our standard courses are fully customizable to your organizational needs. We offer bulk subscription discounts and can develop specific and customized content for your industry, as well as provide motivational live sessions with our lead educator Leyla Acaroglu, or executive coaching and advice services to ensure your company-wide success.
“This masterclass has definitely stretched my brain. My brain does hurt but it was absolutely worth it. My work will be less stressful now that I can sift through my messy brain. Thank you for saying it’s okay to procrastinate and that it helps, and thank you for reminding me that we need to be more compassionate because we need more people to adhere to sustainability in order to make the world better. We just can’t do it alone.”